09 December 2010

Performance benchmarks for the TDB loader (version 2)


There are "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" but worse are probably performance measurements done by someone else. The real test is what does it mean for any given application and is performance "fit for purpose". Database-related performance measurements are particular murky. The shape of the data matters, the usage made of the data matters, all in ways that can wildly affect whether a system is for for purpose.

Treat these figures with care - they are given to compare the TDB bulker (to version 0.8.7) loader and the new one (version 0.8.8 and later). Even then, the new bulk loader is new, so it is subject to tweaking and tuning but hopefully just to improve performance, not worsen it.

See also



The new bulk loader is faster by x2 or more depending on the characteristics of the data. As loads can take hours, this saving is very useful. It produces smaller databases and the databases are as good as or better in terms of performance than the ones produced by the current bulk loader.


The tests were run on a small local server, not tuned or provisioned for database work, just a machine that happened to be easily accessible.

  • 8GB RAM
  • 4 core Intel i5 760 @2.8Ghz
  • Ubuntu 10.10 - ext4 filing system
  • Disk: WD 2 TB - SATA-300 7200 rpm and buffer Size 64 MB
  • Java version Sun/Oracle JDK 1.6.0_22 64-Bit Server VM


The BSBM published results from Nov 2009.

The figures here are produced using a modified version of the BSBM tools set used for version 2 of BSBM. The modifications are to run the tests on a local database, not over HTTP. The code is available from github. See also this article.

BSBM - Loader performance

BSBM dataset Triples Loader 1 Rate Loader 2 Rate
50k 50,057 3s 18,011 TPS 7s 7,151 TPS
250k 250,030 8s 31,702 TPS 11s 22,730 TPS
1m 1,000,313 26s 38,956 TPS 27s 37,049 TPS
5m 5,000,339 121s 41,298 TPS 112s 44,646 TPS
25m 25,000,250 666s 37,561 TPS 586s 42,663 TPS
100m 100,000,112 8,584s 11,650 TPS 3,141s 31,837 TPS
200m 200,031,413 30,348s 6,591 TPS 8,309s 24,074 TPS
350m 350,550,000 83,232s 4,212 TPS 21,146s 16,578 TPS

BSBM - Database sizes

Database Size/loader1 Size/loader2
50k 10MB 7.2MB
250k 49MB 35MB
1m 198MB 137MB
5m 996MB 680MB
25m 4.9GB 3.3GB
100m 20GB 13GB
200m 39GB 26GB
350m 67GB 45GB

BSBM - Query Performance

Numbers are "query mix per hour"; larger numbers are better. The BSBM performance engine was run with 100 warmups and 100 timing runs over local databases.

Loader used50k250k1m5m25m100m200m350m
Loader 1102389.187527.458441.65854.71798.4673.0410.7250.0
Loader 2106920.186726.162240.711384.53477.9797.1425.8259.2

What this does show is that for a narrow range of database sizes around 5m to 25m, the databases produced by loader2 are faster. This happens because the majority ogf the working set of databases due to loader1 didn't fit mostly in-memory but those produced by loader2 do.


COINS is the Combined Online Information System from the UK Treasury. It's a real-wolrd database that has been converted to RDF by my colleague, Ian - see Description of the conversion to RDF done by Ian for data.gov.uk.

General information about COINS.

COINS is all named graphs.

COINS - Loader Performance

COINS dataset Quads Loader 1 Rate Loader 2 Rate
417,792,897 26,425s 15,811 TPS 17,057s 24,494 TPS

COINS - Database sizes

Size/loader1 Size/loader2
152GB 77GB


LUBM information

LUBM isn't a very representative benchmark for RDF and linked data applications - it is design more for testing inference. But there is some details of various systems published using this benchmark. To check the new loader on this data, I ran loads for a couple of the larger generated. These are the 1000 and 5000 datasets, with inference applied during data creation. The 5000 dataset, just under a billion triples, was only run through the new loader.

LUBM - Loader Performance

LUBM dataset Triples Loader 1 Rate Loader 2 Rate
1000-inf 190,792,744 7,106s 26,849 TPS 3,965s 48,119 TPS
5000-inf 953,287,749 N/A N/A 86,644s 11,002 TPS

LUBM - Database sizes

Database sizes:

Dataset Size/loader1 Size/loader2
1000-inf 25GB 16GB
5000-inf N/A 80GB

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